The beginning is always the hardest. Contrary to Julie Andrew's enthusiastic beliefs expressed so cheerfully in The Sound of Music, the beginning is invariably the very WORST place to start. However, it's nearly impossible for me to find a way to start anywhere else. So here I am, writing from beginning to end in the first post of my first blog.
Before you read any further, I want to explain something. This blog, unlike many, is not meant for those who read it, but rather for me, the one who writes it. As I've been growing and shaping in mind and maturity, I often find myself forming elaborate questions, opinions, and answers internally that are just searching for a way out.
There comes a certain point when you realize that you can only surpress so much. Writing has always been a part of me. Somehow, words seem to just flow through my mind only to ooze out my fingertips. It evokes passion inside of me as nothing else can. But never once have I used it in recreation as I'm trying now.
I don't plan on telling anyone about this unconventional diary of mine, but rather plan on using this as a tool to try and develop myself. Words can never be destroyed, and maybe looking back I'll find some truth in mine. I firmly believe everyone in this world are continually searching for understanding. In order to understand the world, you must first understand yourself. So here is my attempt at understanding both. Whether this blog last a day, a year, or even ten years, I hope that in writing it I can find my own bit of understanding, and maybe even help you find yours too.
Isabell Jordan